Becky Congdon
Photo credits: Ann Cady
5039 County Road 36
Honeoye, NY 14471
I am a professionally-trained glass flamework artist and I use a torch to melt rods of glass. Each bead/object is decorated with layers of glass, stringers, latticinos, goldstone, foils, etc. I enjoy capturing these decorations in clear glass (called encasing). After each bead/object is embellished, it is annealed in a computer-controlled kiln to remove stress, then each is hand cleaned and assembled into the designs you see. When you visit, you’ll see flameworking demonstrations throughout the weekend.
Glass is an adventure! I am never bored with it; I enjoy the vibrant colors and depth I can find in this amazing material. Working with glass gives me immediate satisfaction and training in patience. It is both technical and artistic which satisfies both the left and right side of my brain.
Photo credit: Allison Duncan